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The development of individually-adapted neural network model of "pilot-aircraft" system using modern aircraft simulation facility

Просмотров: 1431
Октябрь 2016 года
Kim R.V., Yakimenko V.A., Burlak E.A., Nabatchikov A.M., Jatsko А.А. The development of individually-adapted neural network model of "pilot-aircraft" system using modern aircraft simulation facility // Интеллектуальные системы – 2016 = Intelligent Systems – 2016 : программа и тезисы XII Международного симпозиума. Москва, 5-7 октября 2016 г. / под общ. ред. проф. А. И. Дивеева. – М.: РУДН, 2016. – С. 28.
Мероприятие: XII International Symposium «Intelligent Systems – 2016» (Moscow, Russian Federation [5–7 October, 2016])

INTELS Symposium
The results of the study of the individual characteristics of pilots control actions in landing mode are presented. The study was carried out with the use of MiG-AT aircraft simulation facility. It is shown that the pilot inherent individual style of controlling aircraft in landing mode can be described with the individually adapted neural network model. This model for any moment of performing landing mode is specific to the pilot and presents correlation between the current state vector of "pilot-aircraft" system and predicted aircraft deviation from the ideal landing coordinates.

The simulation of landing trajectories on MiG-AT aircraft simulation facility was performed with the assistance of a group of operators who had different experience and qualifications. The results of these studies suggest that a particular characteristic of the pilot to control the aircraft in landing mode is uniquely manifested in the architecture of the neural network, the values of its parameters and the composition of the input signals.

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